Old Blind Dogs Old Blind Dogs - The Lowlands Of Holland

As I went out one May morning down by the riverside
By shadows there and trees so bare, alas to be me bride
Alas to be me bride, me boys, and the chambers to behold
I'll never ever forget my love, a jolly sailor bold

I built my love a gallant ship, a ship of noble frame
Wi' a hundred jolly sailor boys to box her about the main
Aye, to box her about the main, me boys, without any fear or doubt
Wi' me own true love in that gallant ship, we were sadly tossed about

Oh the anchor and the cable went overboard straightway
And the mainmast and the rigging lie a-buried in the sea
'Twas Tempest sent bad weather and the raging of the sea
Well, I never had but one true love, he was drowned at sea

Said the father to the daughter, "What makes you sore lament?
Oh there is a lad that's in our town will make your heart content"
"No, there is no lad that's in our town, no noble or duke," cried she
"Since the raging seas and stormy winds parted my love and me"

"No hankerchief will find my head, no comb go through my hair
No fire bright nor candle light will view my beauty fair
Oh never will I married be until the day I die
Since the raging seas and stormy winds parted me love and I"

Oh as I went out one May morning down by the riverside
By shadows there and trees so bare, alas to be me bride
Alas to be me bride, me boys, the chambers to behold
I'll never ever forget my love, a jolly sailor bold