Old Blind Dogs Old Blind Dogs - Monymusk Lads

As I cam in by Monymusk
And doon by Alford's dale
A sad misfortune happened to me
And I think nae shame to tell
Fal to too ril, fal to too ril aye do

As I gaed in by Monymusk
The moon was shining clear
And I held on to Lethendy
To see my Maggie dear
Fal to too ril, fal to too ril aye do

I did gang when I did think
That a' were sleepin' soun'
But plague upon yon auld wife
For she cam' slinkin' doon
Fal to too ril, fal to too ril aye do

Sae cannily she slipped the lock
And set the door agee
Then crawled upon her hands and knees
To see what it could be
Fal to too ril, fal to too ril aye do

Then to the bells wi' a' her micht
Sae loud she made them ring
'Til faith, I thocht aboot my lugs
The biggin she would bring
Fal to too ril, fal to too ril aye do

And when she saw I wouldna slip
She ran to her guidman
Says, "There's a lad into the hoose
And this I winna stand
Fal to too ril, fal to too ril aye do

For it's a most disgraceful thing
It would provoke a saunt
To see a' the servant girls wi' lads
When the gentle anes maun want
Fal to too ril, fal to too ril aye do

Providence has acted wrang
Sic pleasures for to gie
Tae ony servant lad or lass
Just working for a fee"
Fal to too ril, fal to too ril aye do

The auld man, he cam ben himsel
And he pushed ben his heid
Guidfaith, I thocht it was a ghost
Just risen frae the deid
Fal to too ril, fal to too ril aye do

He'd duddy drawers upon his legs
He'd on a cap o' white
And he'd a face as lang's my leg
And in his hand a light
Fal to too ril, fal to too ril aye do

He's ta'en me by the shoulders broad
And pushed me out o' doors
Thinks I, my auld lad, I'll come back
When sleepin' gars ye snore
Fal to too ril, fal to too ril aye do